Create incredibly unique artwork, signs, and more by using the scratcher to remove the paper's black matte surface and reveal the backdrop.
For teenagers or adult artists, it's a great arts and crafts project.
Use this magic scratch art to cut out your lovely designs for Easter eggs, bookmarks, gift tags, hanging decorations, scrapbooks, and crafts projects.
It's perfect for festival decorations, family fun days, art classes, school projects, and holiday day care centres.
You can have more fun and enhance your drawing, creativity, and imagination skills with a rainbow paper craft kit.
The doodle pad gets kids busy creating artwork on the kitchen table while you prepare meals for the family, helps teachers calm kids down and get them back on track with finishing schoolwork and puts heartfelt notes in the kids' lunchbox and backpack.
The majority of children have times when they are so energised that they simply won't stop, regardless of what you say. Now, the scratch pad will provide you with a prompt solution! Utilise your child's boundless energy by keeping them occupied and